Friday, September 24, 2010

How to organize your footage while video editing.

Now , many people know how frustrating while editing when you have files named "qwoewqe.avi" or "xadajdajadj.avi" ... It is virtually impossible to find what you are looking for , so here are some tips on how to make your job easier and more enjoyable along the way.

  • Name your footage for example "3v1 clutch"
  • Name your demos or replays as well.
  • Delete any footage that you don't need anymore
  • Save your project along the way , wouldn't want your pc to crash and leave in the air.
  • Close all programs except for your editing software that means (MSN , IE , FF , Chrome)
Now I know that you want to get it over with and you just type random names out for your files "wasasdsa" may be a suitable name for the spot but believe me it will be hard trying to locate that piece of footage later on in the project , so I highly suggest that you take 2 seconds to type out a relevant name or expend 5 minutes looking for the clip.

Thank you for reading.


  1. and thank YOU for joining the tab group :3

  2. Stupid random names are where it's at.

  3. added. nice blog... i like editing video

    add me back

  4. but... qwoewqe.avi is a cool movie buddy! You have to watch it!

    nice post, alltough I allready DO organize my stuff, lol...

    Anyway, will keep an eye on your blog ;-)

  5. really useful, as i like to edit some videos in my spare time. bookmarked this for later use. keep up the blogging!

  6. "I highly suggest that you take 2 seconds to type out a relevant name or expend 5 minutes looking for the clip."

    i learned that the hard way lol

  7. Sweet blog man, add me back you might find something you like ;D
